I shall send Down to Your House the Opinion of Councill
Learned in the Laws of Great Brittaine on the Partys Suspen-
tion from his practice by that Act. The Cases as they are
Stated to the Lawyers and their Sentiments on them are
worthy your Observation. But I must remarke to you should
this Party or Others be suffered to Insult the Courts as he has
so Often done with Impunity it would Destroy the very
Essence of all Authority and Power amongst you which are
Principally Constituted to pull down & Punish the Haughty
and the Bad, and to Support and Cherish the Humble and the
Good. I do therefore recommend it to you to make such
pvision as may Support the magistrates in the Adminrcon of
Justice which may not be Liable to the former Exceptions and
this you will find Agreeable to their Lpps Opinion and Inclina-
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses
I have the Honr to Receive late Lrs from their Lpp Signifying
their Concern and Resentments for the Indiscreet and Mali-