17. An Engrost Bill for the better Supporting the Magis-
trates in the Administracon of Justice within this Province
and for the disabling Thomas Macnemara Esqr to practice
18. An engrost Bill empowering a Comittee to lay Assess
and Apportion the publick Levy for this present yeare 1718
After which his Excy was pleased to make the following
Speech viz:
Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly
It is with the utmost Joy and Satisfaccon I conclude this
Session with my return of thanks on the behalf of the right
honble the Lord Propry for that dutifull and Affectionate Re-
gard you have paid to his person and Government, and in a
particular manner I make you his Lpps Acknoweldgements
for your restoring the Eight p Cent formerly deducted ; which
Candor in your Proceedings will not fail of being most Grate-
full to his Lpp Nor shall I be wanting to let his Lpp know his
Felicity of being Ruler over a People equally just and kind.
Your Close and diligent Applicacon to the Business of this
Assembly, the unanymity with wch it was Carryed on, the
Seasonable and Salutary Laws you have made as they are the
Effects of wise and well Concerted Councills so they cannot
be too much Applauded