ince have any thing more in View then the Honour Dignity
and true Interest of the Noble Family of Baltemore and the
Proprietary 1 of Maryland under a Protestant Establishmt Se-
cured by such good and Wholsome Laws as may be able to
protect it agt all the Endeavours of our Secret and professed
Wee further Humbly begg leave to lay before your Lord-
ships an Acct of the most Oppressive and rigorous proceedings
of Maurice Birchfield Esqr agt great numbers of the Inhabit-
ants of this province which has been represented and agreed
to be an Agrievance by both houses of Assembly (To wit)
That they have been Subpenaed to appr at the high Court of
Chancery to answer the bills of Complaint of the said Maurice
Birchfield Esqr upon a Suggestion that they were Indebted to a
Certa[in] John Goodwin and Other Merchts in London before
Making any Demand or giving notice of such his Claime Some
of which never had any dealings with the Merchts they are
Charged Debtors To, others have been large Credrs Instead
of Debrs and many that were Debtrs did by the said Merchts
Own Accts Owe but very small and Trifleing sumes which by
our Laws are not Cognizable in the Chancery Court notwith-
standing which Such psons have been obliged to make an-
swers and Defend their Suites to their great Expence and
1 Thus in the original manuscript; prosperity intended, and so written in
contemporary copy.