Bill for investing the right heirs of Edward Day in Lands
in Somerset County was read and ordered to be thus endorst
By the Lower House of Assembly, Aprill the 28. 1718
Read the second Time and will Pass
Sign'd p order M. Jenifer Cl. lo ho.
Bill for confirming Eliza Deveghs Will was read and or-
dered to be thus endorst viz.
By the lower House of Assembly Aprill the 28th 1718.
Read again and will pass Signed p Order
M. Jenifer Cl. lo: Ho.
Both which Bills wth the Bill to enable Benj. Howard to sell
Lands &c. were sent to the uppr House by Capt Mariarte Capt
Pollard & Mr Turbutt. They Return and say they delivered
The Answer to his Excy's Speech being fair writt over by
the Comittee of Laws and brought down by Colo Mackall
was read and ordered to be entered as follows vizt
By the lower House of Assembly
Aprill the 28th 1718
May it Please Your Excy
We are glad to find by your Excys Speech that our En-
deavours which have hitherto been for the Comon Good and
wellfare of his Lordp and this Province are favour'd with their
Lordships Approbation, And we shall faithfully Endeavour
to pursue the Same Ends in Considering such further Com-
ands from their Ldps as your Excy shall be pleased to Com-
municate to us by way of Message.