204 Assembly Proceedings, April 22-May 10, 1718.
L.H. J.
Gentlemen. It is Obvious to all (who are not willfully
blind) what Steps the Roman Catholicks were takeing to
Introduce themselves again, into the Administration of this
Govermt. But being by their Ldps prudence, discountenanced
in their Practices, and also oposed by me in their pretended
right, of not being unqualifyed as it is Termed, and likewise
Impeded of Imploying those offices, they had so surprizeingly
obtained and which Indeed they were Unqualifyed for,
It was a Natural Conclusion after Such a defeat that they
woud have satt Downe, and been Contented and easy under
the protection of the Government as they were permitted to
be. But on the Contrary, the Roman Catholicks, Indefatig-
able in their Designes, turned all their rage and Fury of
Disappointment, to Calumniate my Conduct, & by Heaping
of Indignitys upon me, used their utmost Efforts, thereby to
remove me from this Station
To gain this point I am Informed that a very large Sume of
mony was Subscribed for, by the Leading men of the Romish
Community, and some of them went as emissarys to London,
and were very Active there against me, and Exclaimed in
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bitter Terms of my persecuting the Papists in this province,
and how Cruel a Manner they were treated in, and Even de-
barr'd the Liberty of a free Commerce.
When I demonstrated to their Ldps how Groundless and
unjustly these Clamours were, Their Ldps answer was so just
& so much for their Honour, as well as Vindication of my
Character, that I take it as a Duty, to give you their Ldps Senti-
ments in their own words, as I have them by a Letter dated the
16th of November past, and are as follows:
It is very true representations have been made to us of
your Persecution and Severity to the Roman Catholicks, but
as those representations, appear to be grounded only on Fears
and Jealousies not facts, so we must approve of your Integrity
to us, in keeping them in due bounds by the Gentle methods
you have taken.
Gentlemen: As there has been no oppertunitys lost by
which the Roman Catholicks imagined they might Deter me in
the Duty of my office, so they had upon cases most unfairly
Stated, obtained the Opinion of three Eminent. Lawyers, on
the Act of Assembly of this Province for Suspending the
Prosecution of Popish priests &ca. These Opinions shall be
laid before you for your Consideration upon them.
Upon my representation of the case to their Ldps in the
Clearest veiw I was Capable of, I have the Honour of their
Ldps Answer upon the occasion as follows.