thereto, Mr Carroll also refused to Issue out any Patent's
unless he might have one half of the ffees of the Scales Not-
withstanding that the Scale was by their Lordships Especiall
Order taken out of his hands and Lodged with the Govr as
Keeper thereof by which means very few Patents have Issued
out of the office since that time to the very great and manifest
Prejudice of many the Good People of this Province who
have Long since paid the ffees of the said Patents as we have
been Informed,
We therefore Recomend this matter together with the
Inclosed Cert to the Consideracon of Your House as a Publick
Aggrievance of the whole Province.
Signed p order
Jno Beard Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent to the Lower House by Esqr Hall who returns and
says he Delivered it.
Mr James Lloyd & Mr Jno Fendall from the Lower House
with the follo message Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
May the 5th 1718
May It please yor Honrs In answer to Your Message of
this day by Esqr Hall, As to Mr Carroll's insisting on the