upon your glorious & happy successes against all the Inveter-
ate and declared Enemies of your Majtys August House who
by their restless & wicked practices have of late assiduously
attempted the subversion of our Happily Establish't Consti-
tucon by endeavouring to impose a Pretender upon us, and by
engaging in a second barbarous and treasonable Design of
involving your Majestys Subjects by the Assistance of for-
reign Powers in an Intestine bloody and Destructive Warr
Providentially prevented by the Discovery of those treas-
onable Practices Concerted and Carryed on by a publick
Minister of Sweden, in the very Metropolis of your Majtys
May Continued Successes against all your Enemies both at
home and abroad ever attend you, and Heaven grant you your
Heart's Desire, We being Convinced by the joy full Experi-
ence of your Majtys known Wisdom Magnanimity and Clem-
ency that whatever may be in your Power will allways Termi-
nate in the happiness of your People.
Since the Time that your Majesty out of your Princely
Beneficence has been graciously pleased to restore our Lord
propry (upon his Father's and his Convertion to the Church of
England) his Government of this Peaceable and flourishing
Province Peopled at the Charge and Industry of his Ancest-
ors, We Cannot omit taking notice of his Lpps Early Zeale for
the Religion he now Professes by the many good Laws he has
already Passed tending to the Support of the Protestant
Interest the Ease of the People in the payment of their Rents,
and the Increase of the Trade of this Province so beneficiall
to your Majestys Kingdoms and Dominions.
We pray God to continue your Majty Blessing to all your
People and that as We have the happiness to be under your
Majtys gracious and powerfull Protection so We will allways
Endeavour to approve ourselves to your Majty and your
August House, Truly loyall Humble and Obedient Subjects
& Servts.
Which was also Sign'd by the Members of this House and
Sent again to that House bv Majr Wilson Mr Taylor Mr
Wright Mr ffendall Mr ffrisby Capt Pollard Mr Turbutt Capt
Iowles Capt Greenfield Capt Baker Majr Hawkins and Colo
They return & say they delivered it.
Majr Harris from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr
Speaker an Engrost Bill empowering a Comittee to lay the
Publick Levy in the yeare 1717, which was read and ordered
to be thus endorst viz.