The Condition on which your Lordships were pleased to
give up the Quitt Rents & Alienation ffines (which we take to
be the Impost of two Shill8 p hhd) is to be Esteemed a favour
Especially Since your Lordships Designe is Such for the
reliefe of the Poor & more numerous part of the People a
regard that Justly obliges us to be Dutyfully Trankfull ; and
when we lye under Such a Sence of obligation it is with pleas-
ure we reflect on the agreeable Expedient that at once renders
the receipt of your Lordships rents advjantagious and Easy
To your Lordships and at the same time Encourages the
Improvement of your Lordships Dominion by makeing the
paymt Easy to the People.
On this Occasion we humbly remark that the money which
is appropriated to the Support of your Lordships Govermt
has formerly been & yet is raised on no other Considerations
that we can think of than the necessity of haveing the Govermt
Supported for the Comon Good of it Self and the people, the
only Ends we desire it to be applyed to and tho we are under
no apprehension of a Misapplication thereof under your Lord-
ships prsent Establishing and have therefore in great Meas-
ure Conformed to the Directions given by your Lordships,
yet we must beg leave humbly to offer that wth us it seems but
reasonable as we bear a part in the raising that Revenue for
the Support of Goverment It may be thought our Duty to take
Care of the Applicacon of it, for as we shall always Esteem it
our Duty to be Faithfull to your Lordships we must in Com-
plyance therewith be Just to our Countrey ;
May it Please your Lordships. Your Lordships Instruc-
tions relateing to Ordinary Lycences has been Comunicated
to us this Session by Your Lordships Lieut Governour by
which your Lordships are pleased to, Insist upon the fines to
be layd upon Ordinary Keepers as a right to Your Lordships
by prerogative on which We Observe our Predecessors in all
the preceeding Assemblys of the Late Reigne have maintained
their pretentions that such fines Could not be Imposed or
Levyed without the Consent of the people here against the
most Pressing importunities of the late Secretary tho: he had
obtained her late Matys order in Councill in his favour when
the Governmt of this Province was Imediately under the
We presume your Lordships Secretarys are not unac-
quainted with the reasons then Offered in our favour and
we hope they may have yet Some weight ;
We should think ourselves Justly Lyable to the Censures
of those we represent if we should now Give up to your Lord-
ships as a matter of Right what our Predecessors have so
L. H. J.