Nanticokes, emigration, 208.
Naval officers, 8.
Naval stores, 162.
Negroes, duty on, 26, 95.
New Governments, 84.
Officers, 27.
Oyer and Terminer, 168, 213, 258.
Paper currency, 94.
Papists, duty on, 26.
Petitions :
Baltimore Co., 195.
Becraft, A., 233.
Frederick Co., 124.
Germans, 194, 202.
Mullen, p. C., 213.
Richards, J., 269, 330.
Wilson, J., 199.
Population, 25.
Port duty, 25.
Ports, opening, 162.
Potomac, jurisdiction in, 372, 378.
Privateers, 35.
Proclamations, 161, 279.
Queries of Board of Trade, 20.
Rape, 306, 313.
Receivers instructions to, 391, 400, 422.
Rector, induction of, 222.
Rent-roll keeper, 420.
Reserved lands, 134, 407.
Revenue, 5, 25.
Revenue, collection of, 391.
Royal Family, prayers for, 18.
Salaries, 27.
Sharpe, Gov., recall, 256.
Sheriff, charge against, 336, 351, 361.
Sheriffs' bonds, 148.
Silk manufacture, 162.
Smuggling, 59.
Sons of Liberty, 121.
Spain, war with, 30.
peace with, 63.
Stamp Act repealed, 150, 160.
Stamps, 108, 116, 119, 120, 162.
Statistics, 21.
Supervisor, 409.
Surveyors' instructions, 430.
Tobacco duty, 4, 48.
inspection, 24.
Trade of Maryland, 24.
Treaty of peace, 63.
Vessel, seizure of, 372.
Virginia, iron ore to, 16.
Volunteers, roll of, 99.
War with Spain, 30.
Western boundary, 478, 480-486.