Abjuration, oath of, 161.
Act of indemnity, 150, 160.
Addresses, 28, 42, 65, 93, 244, 383.
Agent in England, 181.
Allen, Bennett, proceedings of, 252, 398,
411, 440.
Amputation, 371.
Assault, 234.
Attorney General's instructions, 438.
Bachelors, tax on, 26, 95.
Bainbridge, P., complaint ag't, 174, 205.
Bank stock, 4, 5, 6, 14, 48.
Bastardy, 131, 155, 173.
Bills of credit, 4, 5, 6, 26, 93, 94.
Bishop for Maryland, 380.
Boundary, Western, 478, 480-486.
Burglary, 3, 15, 17, 18, 47, 90, 91, 96, 108,
151, 159. 1 78, 197, 232, 247, 249, 258,
268, 314, 331.
Cessation of arms, 50.
Charles Co., disturbances in, 262, 272, 316.
Clandestine trade, 89.
Coffee, growth of, 162.
Commissaries, instruction to, 436.
Copper coinage, 186.
Copper, export of, 162.
Counterfeit money, 215.
Court clerks, instructions to, 437.
Courts, 28.
Coventry Parish, troubles in, 222.
Declaration of war, 30.
Deed of settlement, 68.
Disturbances, 115.
Duties, 26.
Duties, repealing, 162, 307, 308.
English goods, drawbacks on, 376.
Fees, 27, 493-501.
Felony, 36, 41, 47, 62, 106, 107, 108, 159,
163, 164, 179.
Forges and furnaces, 24.
Frederick, disturbance at, 111, 171.
Frederick Co., petition, 124.
Free importation, 311.
French neutrals, 189.
Governor's commission, 274.
instructions, 283, 302.
oath, 277, 278.
recall, 256.
speech, 328.
Grain, importation, 161.
Hanging in chains, 3.
Hillsborough, Lord, letter, 239.
Homicide, 17.
Horse stealing, 221.
Indemnity, 162.
Indians, boundary of, 237, 238.
emigration of, 208.
murder of, 127, 170.
number of, 25.
passage of, 40, 41, 44, 52, 56.
prisoner, 120.
scalps of, 102, 153, 154.
trade with, 346.
treaty with, 45, 98, 100.
Ironmasters, 16, 371.
Iron mines, 24.
Jails, 360.
King's speech, 309.
Land office, inctructions, 428.
Lands, disposing of, 134.
Lease of Maryland, 66.
Legislature, 27.
Licenses, 143, 145.
Maryland boundaries, 21, 238, 478, 480.
population, 25.
trade, 23.
Massachusetts, letter from, 240-245.
Militia, 25.
Murder, 3, 15, 36, 38, 42, 91, 96, 101, 108,
126, 127, 130, 168, 178, 200, 332, 333,
335, 365-
Mutiny and desertion, 161.