present Terms, by which the Proprietor's Rents are very badly
collected, he therefore moves the Board to take the same under
Consideration & mentions, as his opinion, that if the Commis-
sions on Anne Arundel County Rents should be made 15 p
Cent, as Frederick and Baltimore Counties are, and the others
now at 10 raised to 12 1/2 the same might be collected to the
Proprietor's Advantage and Satisfaction.
The Board are unanimously of opinion, that as often as the
Agent is under Difficulties to get good Men to accept the Trust,
& such office being forced & a Burden on the Sheriffs, the
measure ought to be adopted, not exceeding the Commission
above specified.
The Board having Inspected the Agent's Accounts & the
Clerk carefully compared them with the several vouchers the
same are passed, except the Article of Charge by way of
Salary part of which had been before allowed in his Account
passed with the Executors of the late Lord Proprietary &
which the Agent had before noted.
Lib. No. 86