p. 143
Mr Dulany being much indisposed his attendance is dis-
pens'd with.
The Board take under consideration the propriety of adopt-
ing a measure for the encouragement of such of the back In-
habitants as may have settled & made small Improvements,
and are unanimously of Opinion; That his Excellency the
Governor hath a Power, agreeable to Instructions from the
late Proprietor to the Judges of the Land Office (a Copy of
which they are to furnish) to order Warrants to issue for
small Parcels of Land, not exceeding one hundred Acres each,
to be surveyed for those as shall apply therefor, with the
Indulgence of making Payment of the Composition money &
other Charges at any time within Two years from the Date
of such Warrants.
It is the opinion of this Board that a proviso be inserted in
all Grants that may issue for Lands to the Westward of Fort
Cumberland effectually to make void such part or parts thereof
as shall be found situated lying and being within any of the
Lord Proprietor's reserved Lands in that part of the Province.
On further examination of the Agent's Accounts with the
Executors of the late Lord Proprietor, the Board unanimously
pass the same.
p. 144
Annapolis Jany 11th 1775
At a meeting of the Board of Revenue. Present
His Excellency Robert Eden, Esqr
[Benedict Calvert, Esqr
The Honble George Steuart, Esqr
[William Fitzhugh, Esqr
The Honble Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer Esqr having sig-
nified to the Clerk of this Board that his Accounts as Agent
and Receiver General for the Lord Proprietary were stated
from the 4th of September 1771 to the 29th September 1773,
and that he was ready to lay the same, with the proper Vouch-
ers, before the Board, the Clerk gave intimation thereof to
the several Members who were pleased to appoint this Day for
an examination thereof.
The Agent represents to the Board, that the reduction of
the Commission to the Farmers of several of the Counties to
10 p Cent has laid him under the necessity of putting many of
the Rents into the hands of the Sheriffs for Collection, as other
Persons capable will not undertake to Farm them on the