if you can, from such Tenants some promissory Writing to
that Purport.
12th You are not accountable for the Rents of any Lands,
which shall be made appear to be included in any other Survey,
and for which the Rents shall be paid, nor more than once for
the Rent of any Tract or Parcel of Land, altho' the Rent by
mistake be twice charged, either by One and the same or by
different names.
13th You are not accountable for any Sum or Sums of
Money which shall be overcharged for any Rent in the afore-
said Debt Books, that shall appear not to be really due, nor
for Lands that shall lie in different Counties.
14th Where Lands belong to Persons residing in the neigh-
bouring Provinces, or beyond Sea, or to Minors having no
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Guardian, and you shall make it appear, that Distress cannot
be made, or other means be used for the Recovery of the Rents
received thereon, you are to be allowed for the same, but
you are when required by the Board of Officers, to take out
Attachment and pursue all other measures that shall be
directed for the Recovery thereof.
15th For the better enabling you to do your Duty, all
Officers are hereby required to give you access to their re-
spective Offices, with liberty to search the Records in the
presence of themselves, or Deputies, having the keeping
thereof, and to take and transcribe copies of any Deed or
Instrument needful for the same, or discovery of any Rents
due to the Lord Proprietary, without being obliged to pay any
Fee or Reward for such Search, and for taking and tran-
scribing such Copy of any Deed or Instrument, or so much
thereof as shall be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, but
you are not to require the Clerk or other Officer, having the
keeping of such Records to write make or transcribe any
such Copies without being paid for the same; and after the
Expiration of this your Commission, you are to return all
such Transcripts and Copies to the respective Offices they
shall be taken from; and where any Contest or Dispute shall
happen between you and any of the Tenants, concerning the
Quit Rents, you are to apply to His Lordship's Attorney
General from time to time for Advice and Assistance, when
such Application can be made conveniently, and when such
Application cannot be conveniently made to the said At-
torney General, you are to apply, for the purpose aforesaid, to
the Prosecutor for county aforesaid, and you are not to
be liable to pay any Fees for Advice and assistance, or to
any other Officer in case of Suit, unless when Recoveries shall
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