Minutes of the Board of Revenue, 1768-1775. 405
15th His Lordship's Tenants being bound to pay their Rents
at the two most usual Feasts in the year, that is at Lady day
and Michaelmas by even and equal Portions it is therefore
thought reasonable that the Farmers (who are to make a com-
pleat Settlement but once a year) should make a partial or
intermediate, payment of one third of the Gross amount of the
Debt Book, you are therefore annually to call upon them to
make such payment, on or about the 25th Day of July. And
whereas Arrears may be still due from some of the late Farm-
ers, whose Bonds may not as yet be put in Suit, you are in such
Case to apply to the Revenue Office for such Bonds and order
the Attorney General, or his Prosecutor, to proceed thereon.
16th You are to transmit His Lordship from time to time
such Bills of Exchange as you shall receive for his use with
Lists attending them, the first sets by one Ship, and the sec-
onds of the same Sets, by another Ship.
17th You are to inform and transmit all matters, that do or
shall appertain to the Execution of your Office of Agent and
Receiver General, to Hugh Hamersley Esqr His Lordship's
Secretary residing in London.
18th A Reserve being laid on all Vacant Land that now is,
or shall or may be hereafter found within the City of Annap-
olis and Town of Baltimore or within Five Miles round the
said City and Town, be it by Escheat or otherwise, you are not
to do any Act that may affect these Lands without particular
directions from His Lordship, or this Board.
Lib. No. 86
19th You are carefully to collect and receive from the sev-
eral Stewards, all Rents, arrears of Rent, Fines, Penalties and
Forfeitures that now are or shall hereafter become due from
His Lordship's Tenants on the respective Manors & Reserves.
20th There being large Tracts of Land Reserved for the
Indians which the English have encroached upon, made Sur-
veys & got Grants of them and deny the payment of the Quit
Rents alledging that they hold of the Indians, His Lordship
hath therefore Erected all these Reserves into Manors of
which you are to take Notice.
21st Whereas Omissions have heretofore happened in the
Land Office by leaving out the word Sterling in some of the
Grants after the sum reserved for the Rent, If any of the
Grantees shall at any time offer to pay Currency instead of
Sterling you are not to take it, but insist on their paying
22d It being apprehended that many People hold Land not
charged on the Rent Roll, and for which no Quit Rent has
been paid, you are to use your utmost endeavours to discover
the same.
p. 23