At a Council held at the Governor's on Friday of July An-
noq Domini 1762.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Governor.
Benjamin Tasker Stephen Bordley John Ridout Esquires
His Excellency acquaints this Board that His Lordship the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary had appointed
Charles Goldsborough a Member of the Council and that he
attends in order to be Qualified; who takes the Several Oaths
to the Government subscribes the Abjuration and Test and
takes the Oath of a Councillor who thereupon takes his Place
at the Board Accordingly.
His Excellency lays before this Board the following Letter.
June 11th 1762.
May it Please your Excellency.
I have thought proper to acquaint you that there came to my
House in the Last of April Last past Ten warrior Indians of
this six nations who were going to war against the Cherokees
and who also had a pass Setting forth that they had Been in
actual service under General Johnston and requesting the
Inhabitants through which they Pass to furnish them with
Provision agreeable to the Treaty of Lancaster & in Consi-
quence of my former Instructions from Governors Ogle &