that very Large Supplies will be wanted for the Troops that
are to Assemble on this Continent for Immediate Service, I
should Desire an Embargo on the Shipping, were I not Averse
to such a Measure, which might be attended with Several
Inconveniencies; and as I think the preventing any provisions
from being Exported, may answer the same End; I must
therefore Request you will be pleased to take such Steps as you
think best for Effectually prohibiting any kind of Provisions
from being Shipped at any of the Ports within your Province,
Except for the abovementioned Services.
I have made the same application to the Governors of the
Several Provinces nearest to this place, I have Likewise Ap-
pointed Persons to Buy up the Provisions at the Market Price,
for which Purpose I have Requested press Warrants to
Oblige the Merchants to Deliver what they have in Store at a
reasonable rate, that the King's Service may be carried on, and
may not Suffer for want of that most Essential Article.
I am with great Regard,
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
Jeff: Amherst
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.