Inclosed you will please receive a Copy of the Confession of
William Williams alias William Depriest, charged with Coun-
terfiting and passing the Bills of Credit of this Province, now
here safe in Custody, as also Copy of a Letter wrote by him
to a Person suspected as an accomplice. Since he made his
Confession all diligence has been used to secure the Rest, and
in consequence of that John Cox is Committed. As it is sup-
posed that their Confederates are pretty numerous, there is
great reason to suspect they will make an attempt to set at
Liberty those in Custody, therefore should be glad to have
directions, whether I might not order a Guard on the Prison
in the Night time, for without orders from his Excellency to
that purpose I find the People will not comply.
I am with due respect Sir
Your very humble Servant
G. Scott
To the Honble John Ridout Esqr
On Consideration of the aforegoing Letters and Confession
it is the Advice of this Board that his Excellency give orders to
the Sheriff of Frederick County to bring the said William
Depriest alias William Williams and John Cox immediately
and deliver them to the Sheriff of Ann Arundel County. In
Consequence whereof his Excellency was pleased to issue the
following Warrants.
Maryland ss :
Horo Sharpe By His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Gov-
ernor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of
Maryland. To the Sheriff of Frederick County. Whereas it
hath been represented to me that there is great Reason to sus-
pect that an attempt will be made to set at Liberty William
Depriest alias William Williams and John Cox now in your
Custody being committed on Suspicion of having Counter-
feited the Bills of Credit of this Province and knowingly
passed the same and Whereas it is of great Importance that
they should if Guilty be brought to Condign Punishment, this
is therefore to order and require you that, immediately on the