Lib. C. B.
No. 20
you than all the rest it is needless to mention all for you know
as well as I who to apply to.
am your Loving Husband
To Tabitha Depriest Pitsylvania Wm Depriest
County, Virginia.
Copy of a Letter from William Depriest alias William
Williams to John Vulgamot.
My dear Friend
Now is push come, I have no other hopes to get out of
Prison, unless I can give Security for Two hundred Pounds,
and if you will be friend enough to do that for me I shall
forever acknowledge my Life and favour to you Pray for God
Almightys sake fail not to do it, and that with great Speed
for I must lie in Prison till the next Assize Court if you do not
oblige me. I must beg of you as all Love and kindness not to
turn a deaf Ear to my request, it is a matter of great moment
and you shall never loose any thing by your good will to me
and if I could talk to you I could convince you that you shall
not be hurted, my dear Friend be not hard hearted with me
for now a friend will do me some good. I am your Friend
and Well wisher
To Mr John Vulgamot. William Williams
p. 7
The Confession of William Depriest alias William Williams
taken before me, one of His Lordship's Justices for Frederick
County Sayeth That a certain Joseph Wilcox and John Cox,
both of said County, did sometime last May bring an Eighth
Dollar Bill of Credit of Maryland to the said Depriest's House,
on Marrowbone Creek Smiths River, Pitsilvania County in
the Colony of Virginia, to get him to endeavour to Counterfeit
it, that one Nathaniel Abney found the Printing Types to
make the Stamp and Ink both which he got from Williams-
burg that one David Lyles who lives in said County printed
the Money, and one Michael Hill Rogers Signed the same
The sum which was Counterfeited was Five hundred Eight
Dollar Bills, That William Redman and John Ethrington of
Loudon County in Virginia, were to receive it from Michael
Hill Rogers at an appointed place in order to pass the same,
That if they could not pass the Counterfeit Money there was
a proposal made by the said Rogers, Redman and Ethrington
that the said William Depriest should join them in Robbing on
the High way and plundering the Houses on the Frontiers of
Virginia Maryland, and Pensilvania in which the said De-
priest refused to join them Signed
Taken before me Sept 25th 1767 William Depriest
Thomas Price