Ordered that the following Instructions be here Entered
To Captain
Whereas the late Incursions of Indians into this Province
and the Ravages they have Committed in Frederick County
makes it absolutely necessary for us to Send a Body of
Armed Men to the Western Frontiers for the future Security
and Protection of the Inhabitants: You are hereby Comis-
sioned & Ordered with Men of the Militia of your County
under your Command to march out to the extreme Limits
of this' Province, Fort Cumberlad, Col. Cresap's or as far
westward as you shall think expedient, and Act offensively
against the Enemy that has done such Mischief and Still
infests our Borders. On your arrival at Frederick Town you
are to Shew this your Commission & Instructions to Mr
James Dickson who will thereupon furnish you with a Suffi-
cient Quantity of Provisions to subsist yourself and party
for five days or if you shall desire it for a longer time for
which you are to pass your Receipt as you are also to do for
any Arms or Ammunition that he shall also Supply you with.
On your Arrival at the Mouth of Conegogee you are to apply
to Mr George Ross for enough Provisions to Subsist your
party Eight days or till they can reach Colonel Cresaps who
has Orders to furnish you with farther Supplies during your
Stay in that distant part of the Province which will be a
Month from the day you arrive there, if Col Cresap shall
think your Stay for so long a time expedient and necessary.
In case the Garrison of Fort Cumberland be much reduced
and weakened you are to offer your Service to the Comman-
dant thereof and Obey his Orders during your Stay there
and while he Supplies your party with Provisions but if the
Garrison wants no Reinforcement you are to dispose of your-
self and party in the best manner you can to Protect the
Inhabitants & annoy the Enemy, and I would have you Ad-
vise with Colonel Cresap how either can be most easily
effected for the encouragement of such as will March under
your Command I have Promised the Party or Person that