Charles County Oct. 21st 1755.
May it please Your Excy & Honrs
Yoitr Pleasure touching the Reports of the tumultuous
Meetings & Cabaling of Negroes, the Misbehaviour of the
Roman Catholicks in some Countys and the absence of some
of the Priests in this Province Intimated to you, was Signi-
fied to us (Justices of the County afd) by Letter from Mr
Ross on the 15th of August last As the foundation of such
Reports did not fall within our Notice as Magistrates of this
County, We have with Patience & Circumspection in our
Several Neighbourhoods, waited to see if time would produce
any Cause or Information to any of us of any such Matters
Suggested to your Excellency & honours; but as nothing of
that Sort has happened here or Come to any of our knowl-
edges, we presume such Reports must be without foundation,
as to any in this County.
The Duty we owe to his Majesty & this Government, as
Magistrates the Requisites your Excellency and honours
have been Pleased to Charge us with, and such as from time
to time you may Judge proper to intimate We hope will have
their proper weight in our future Conduct, and ever be
regarded with the utmost Deference by
Your Excellencys & Honours mos: Obedt Humble Servts
Gustavus Brown, Allen Davis, Rd Harrison
Robt Yates, Arthur Lee Jas Nivison
Sam: Hanson, Willim Eilbeck, Walter Hanson
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board write the following
Letter to the Justices of Ann Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert
Prince Georges, Frederick, Cecil, Kent, Dorchester, Wor-
cester, Somerset, Queen Anns and Talbot Counties.
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
By Order of the Governor & Council of the 15th of August
last I wrote to you in Relation to Some Reports being Spread
of the tumultuous Meetings & Caballing of Negroes in your
County, the Misbehaviour of Some Roman Catholicks, and
the absence of some of the Priests from their Places of
Abode, I am now directed by the said Board to acquaint you
they are desirous to know what Proceedings have been had,
and what has been done upon the aforementioned Letter that
if it appears necessary proper Care may be taken for the
Security of his Majestys faithful Subjects here.
His Excellency is Pleased to ask the Opinion of this Board
Whether the Assembly should be now called or not. Resolved
in the Negative
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