Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765. 543
Janry I have the 10th of mine the 12th of Septr last, & am well
satisfied that all provincial concerns under your Conduct
will have happy Issue during his Lordps absence, wh I fear
will be longer than ought to be; By his last Letr at Naples
the 14th of March recd he says, the 3d of April he shoud take
his departure for the Levant Islands, in his Vovage to Con-
stantinople, where he designed to be in the Autumn Season;
I hope his venture thro' such Climates may prove successful,
the risque is very hazardous. Regarding the Addresses on
the Birth of the Prince of Wales, from you & the Council
of Assembly to the King & Queen wh I wrote you were pre-
sented, was before the receipt of yrs above. Opening yr Letr
to his Lordp of the 15th of Novr; it feeling Bulky, I having
on such occasion his Leave, I recd inclosed yr Accot to his
Lordp for 1762 & yr Bills of Exch: value £261.8.1—Bal: of
accot to him, the Bills I have delivd to Messrs Hanbury for
his use. As for the precedg year, yr Accot to him I wrote
you Acknowledgement last year. Yr Pipe of Madeira for My
Lord & 10 Hams are recd the latter were to a come by Capt
Ayres. the Dozens of Wine & other Hams not delivd Touch-
ing Mr Key, Mr Ross & Mr Scott, I wrote early enough to
have his Lordps answr if it shosd happen his departure to the
East was before my Letrs arrival, on any intelligence thereof
I will give you Notice for yr favour to them; However,
particular to the two Latter, Mr Ross having complied by yr
Accts paymt to his Lordp the Default of Mr Darnall, I con-
ceive no objection agt the continuance of Mr Ross Naval
Officer nor to the placing Mr Scott Clerk of the Council
directly; yet I can't refrain Advice abt Mr Ross, represented
by Persons from Maryland & also here, that he enjoys many
Lucrative Employs amtg to considerable value; this his Lordp
Notes as too partial & thinks it proper he shoud yeild a share
to others, agreeable to the times; he is Aged & must be Rich.
Mr Dulany here has on Occasions spoke of you with great
respect, says, the only wish he has is for favour to his
Brother Mr Walter Dulany to be stationed in some Employ;
that his Brother has been Stedfast to the Lord Proprietors &
the Administn of Governt near 20 years, with' any Mark of
favour, why he conceives Not. This is a matter I take the
Liberty to recomend to yr favourable consideration. It will
be Gratuity to Mr Tasker & Mr Dulany & give content to
Walter Dulany & be productive of Amity to the Govermt
with them who are significant in the province; this may be
afforded out of the several Employs Mr Ross Holds, on his
continuance Naval Officer; on whose Death Mr Dulany may
be his Successor at Patuxent Port. The only Cause that
moves me hereunto is Union; tis the Duty of me & by My