ready Compliance herein, we bid your Lordship very heartily
farewell. From the Council Chamber at Leicester House
this thirty first Day of October 1760.
Your Lordship's very loving Friends
Thos Cant
Temple P S.
Lord Baltimore Lord Proprietary of the Dunk Halifax
Province of Maryland. Nugent
Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his
Mercy our late Sovereign Lord King George the Second
of Blessed and Glorious Memory by whose Decease the
Imperial Crowns of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, as
also the supreme Dominion and Sovereign Right of the
Province of Maryland and all other his late Majesty's Do-
minions in America are solely and rightfully come to the
High and Mighty Prince George Prince of Wales, We
therefore the Deputy Governor and Council with Numbers
of the principal Inhabitants and Planters of this Province
do now hereby with one full Voice and Consent of Tongue
and Heart publish and proclaim that the High and Mighty
Prince George, Prince of Wales, is now by the Death of our
late Sovereign of happy and glorious Memory become our
only lawful and rightful Liege Lord George the third by
the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France, and Ire-
land Defender of the Faith, supreme Lord of the said Prov-
ince of Maryland, and all other his late Majesty's Territories
and Dominions in America to whom we do acknowledge all
Faith and constant Obedience with all hearty and humble
Affection, beseeching God by whom Kings and Queens do
reign to bless the Royal King George the third with long
and happy Years to reign over us. Given at [Annapolis]
God save the King.
At the Court at Carleton House the 25th day of October
The King's most Excellent Majesty in Council
His Majesty being this Day present in Council was pleased
to make the following Declaration, viz*
The Loss that I and the Nation have sustained by the
Death of the King my Grand-father would have been se-
verely felt at any Time but coming at so critical a Juncture ;