all the Royal Family") be inserted (Her Royal Highness
the Princess Dowager of Wales and all the Royal Family")
Which Declaration printed by Authority I now inclose you,
and you are to conform with our said Council in like Man-
ner to all other Proclamations and Declarations from his
most sacred Majesty that shall be sent unto you by his
Majesty's Authority, and all other Persons whatsoever in
our said Province are to conform and to pay all due Obe-
dience thereto, as they will answer the Contrary at their
utmost Perils.
And you are to conform to all such Orders and Instruc-
tions as were sent by the late Lord Proprietary or have
been sent heretofore to your Predecessors the former Gov-
ernors of our said Province, as you shall find them entered
in the Council Books, you are to conform to all such Orders
and Instructions so far as the same are not altered or varied,
and where any such Orders and Instructions have been
altered or varied by my Predecessors or me and the Lords
and Proprietors of our said Province by subsequent Orders
and Instructions, you are to follow such last Orders and
And you are to cause these my Orders and Instructions to
be forthwith entered in the Council Books of the said Prov-
ince, and you and all other Persons in our said Province are
to act accordingly.
Given under our Hand and Seal at Arms at London this
thirtieth Day of October in the ninth Year of my Dominion
over the said Province and in the year of our Lord 1760.
F B.
By his Lordship's Command, Cecils Calvert Secy
After our hearty Commendations to your Lordship, It
having pleased Almighty God to take to his Mercy out of this
troublesome Life our late Sovereign Lord King George the
second of blessed and glorious Memory; and thereupon his
Royal Majesty King George the third being here proclaimed
We have thought fit to signify the same to your Lordship
to the End that you do give immediate Directions for pro-