At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Tuesday
the thirtieth Day of December in the tenth Year of his
Lordship's Dominion Annoq Domini 1760..
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor
The honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr Stephen Bordley
Esqr and John Ridout Esqr
His Excellency is pleased to acquaint the Board that he
has seen in the Gentleman's Magazine for October last an
Account of the late King's Death in the following Manner.
From the Gentleman's Magazine for October 1760.
Saturday 25th October 1760..
Whitehall Between the Hours of seven and eight this
Morning our late most gracious Sovereign King George the
second was suddenly seised at his Palace at Kensington by a
violent Disorder and fell down speechless and soon expired,
notwithstanding all possible Methods used for his Recovery,
His Majesty departed this Life in the 77th Year of his Age
and the 34th of his Reign; beloved, honoured, and regretted
by his Subjects, for his eminent and princely Virtues.