timely consideration may be had, what further provisions
shall be necessary to restrain an Evil of such extensive &
pernicious consequences. I am
Your most Obedient humble Servt
To the Governor of Maryland. W Pitt
Advised that the following Letter be sent to the several
Officers of his Majestys Customs within this Province
His Majestys Ministers having received repeated & cer-
tain intelligence of an illegal Trade being carried on by
many of the Kings Subjects in North America & the West
Indies as well to the French Islands as to the French Settle-
ments on this Continent particularly to the Rivers Mobile
and Mississipi by which it is said that the Enemy is supplied
with Provisions and other necessaries & thereby principally if
not alone enabled to sustain and protract this long and ex-
pensive War, and it having been likewise represented that
large Sums in Bullion are also sent by the Kings Subjects to
the abovementioned Places in return for which Commodities
are taken which interfere with the Produce of the British
Colonies themselves; The Right honourable William Pitt
Esqr one of his Majestys principal Secretaries of State hath
thereupon by a Letter Dated the 23 of August last signifyed
it to me to be his Majestys express will and Pleasure that I
should forthwith make the most strict & diligent Enquiry