Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
7, You are not to carry more than two pieces of Cannon nor
fire any Guns unless as a Signal or for a Pilot 8th You are to
wear English Colours with a White Ensign on your maintop-
mast so that it may be seen 9th you are to bring to for every
Vessel that Shall demand it shewing your Proper Colours
and my Commission and not to make any Resistance against
any one, Given under my hand at Annapolis in the Prov-
ince of Maryland the Day of 1759.
Province of Maryland List of French Prisoners of War
Delivered to Captain Robert Ferguson Commander of the
Ship Rainbow Commissioned as a Flag of Truce for carrying
said Prisoners to on the Island
of Hispaniola
Louis Viviat Capitaine, Theodore Werdestrant Second,
Jean Laforest Pilote, Pierre La Roche Charpentier, Louis
Roy Matelot, Jacques Barrillon Pilote, Pierre Briton Mate-
lot, Jacques Boy
Council Office City of Annapolis the Day of
1759 The above Contains a True List of the names and
quality of French Prisoners of war delivered to Robert
Ferguson Commander of the Rainbow a Flag of Truce for
which Prisoners the said Robert Ferguson hath signed a
receipt deposited in this office
By his Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq Lieutenant Gov-
ernor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of
Maryland, To Captain Robert Ferguson Commander of the
Ship Rainbow
Whereas I have by my Commission of this date authorized
and impowered you to receive on board your said Ship and
carry to Hispaniola Ten French Prisoners as is mentioned in
your said Commission & Instructions you Are hereby Per-
mitted to take on board for the use of the said Prisoners and
of such English Prisoners as you shall receive at Hispaniola
in Exchange for them the following Quantity of Provisions
&c. three Barrels of Pork two Barrels of Beef nine barrels
of Ship bread and one Barrel of Flour over and above what
you desire for the use of your Ships Company Consisting of
Fifteen men for which you are also hereby Permitted to
Take on board Vizt Twelve Barrels of Beef, eight Barrels of
Pork twenty Barrels of Ship Bread three Barrels of Flour
two Barels of Mackrel and two Bushels of Pease Given
under my hand at Annapolis the Day of 1759.