but rather to aid and Assist him in any thing Needfull or
Necessary, Given under my hand and Seal at Arms at
Annapolis in the said Province of Maryland the Day
of in the Thirty third year of the Reign of our Sov-
ereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great
Britain France and Ireland King and Defender of the Faith
and so forth Anno Domini 1759.
Instructions to be observed by Robert Ferguson Com-
mander of the Ship Rainbow a Flag of Truce bound to
on the Island of Hispaniola
Ist You are to take on board the said Ship the French
Prisoners in the List Annexed Mentioned and sail with the
first fair wind and make the best of your way directly for
and take care during your Passage that all the Pris-
oners be well treated according to their Rank
2dly On your Arrival at you are to Cause my Com-
mission for Exchange of Prisoners to be shewn to his Ex-
cellency monsier De Bart captain in the Navy and Lieutenant
General of French Hispaniola or to the Commander in Chief
of and to make known to him that you have brought
so many French Prisoners to be Exchanged for such British
Subjects as may be Prisoners there according to the Tenour
of my Commission. 3d You are not to Put any of the French
Prisoners on Shore before the Commander in chief shall have
Acquainted you what British Subjects are in his Government
as Prisoners of War and shall have agreed with you as to
the Numbers of them to be Delivered up in Exchange Pursu-
ant to my said Commission and if there should not be an
equal Number of British Prisoners to be Exchanged for
French Prisoners you are to take what British Prisoners
there are, and request a certificate from the Governor or
Commander in Chief Setting forth that he hath received the
Prisoners sent by you and what Number he Returns in
4th If there be any Prisoners there, Lately Inhabitants of
or belonging to Maryland you are to insist that they be of the
Number delivered to you in Exchange
5th When you have got the British Prisoners on Board you
are to desire a Passport or safe conduct from the Governor or
commander in Chief to Protect you and the said Ship from
being molested by any men of War Privateers or Subjects
of the most Christian King or any of his Allies.
6 You are to take care not to offer any Insult to any of
the Subjects of his most Christian Majesty or his Allies nor
carry any kind of War like Stores or Provisions except what
is necessary for the Maintenance of the Prisoners and Crew,
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
p. 312