Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
tian George Watt Commander loaded with Wheat, and Flour
for Liverpoole but detained here by an Embargo.
That the said Snow was chartered her Cargo ordered and
every Thing in order to her Voyage so far done before any
Account came of the Embargo that there was no going back,
yea so far had we proceeded that the Master was in the
Custom House in Order to clear when stopped by the order
for the Embargo as appears by the annexed Certificate.
The most of the Cargo has been so long aboard that by
the coming on of the hot Weather it will certainly heat and
spoil, in a little time the Worm will bite here so that the
Voyage will be ruined and all concerned in it will be much
hurt, and our Mother Country so far deprived of the Supply
we intended for them which now they exceedingly want.
Your Petitioners are advised that at Home they have
suspended the Navigation Act as to Grain, have prohibited
the Exportation of any Grain from the Colonies except to
Britain and Ireland and several other Things, by which it
evidently appears what great Distress they are in it would
therefore seem a little strange that we who want to supply
them should be reduced to such Streights here, that even
unloading would not prove a Remedy because the Weevil
would devour the Wheat in the Warehouse.
The Freighters who are Merchants of Note in Phila-
delphia have informed us that the Generals late Orders have
been understood in the utmost Latitude there, and that
every Vessel there in the Circumstances of the Christian has
been cleared We hope your Excellency will not allow the
Traders here to be in worse Circumstances than there, or the
Grain Trade will suffer much to the great Loss of this
May it therefore please your Excellency to order the
Snow to be cleared by which you will relieve us that are
distressed here, and be the Means of our relieving the dis-
tressed at Home, without injuring any Person or Interest
public or private unless it be Engrossers of Grain at Home.
And your Petitioners as in Duty bound will pray.
John Wallace
I certifie that George Watt Master of the Snow Christian
applied to the Naval Office to clear the said Vessel on the
same Day and about half an Hour before that the Office
had Notice that the Embargo would be laid but as he then
wanted a Clearance from the Collector he was informed
that such Clearance was requisite before he could clear at the