That your Petitioner being on the Road to the City of
Annapolis in order to clear out the said Vessel intended as
aforesaid having his full Cargoe on Board met on this Side
Patapsco Ferry some Miles a certain Mr Charles Christie
who informed him after some Conversation had between
them that the Day before there was an Embargo laid upon
all Vessels, and that he might as well return back again,
which your Petitioner did accordingly. And forasmuch as
the Goods on board the said Schooner are likely to perish
and rendered not merchantable without being relieved by
your Excellency, your Petitioner humbly prays you would
order the said Vessel and Cargo may be cleared out to such of
his Majesty's plantations as your Petitioner shall seem meet
or to the Port of Norfolk in the Colony of Virginia, and he
will pray &c:
24 May 1757: Then came Henry Costin Master of the
Schooner Anson, before me the Subscriber one of his Lord-
ship's the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary his Jus-
tices of the Provincial Court and made Oath on the holy
Evangelists of Almighty God, that the Bread, Flour, and
Corn mentioned in the above Petition were on board at the
Time therein mentioned. Sworn to before Geo.. Steuart
Ordered upon reading the aforegoing Petition of Joseph
Ensor, that the Officers of the Customs at the City of An-
napolis clear out for Norfolk in the Colony of Virginia the
Schooner Anson Henry Costin Master he having on Board
the said Schooner two hundred Barrels of Flour eighty Bar-
rels of Bread, some Indian Corn and Lumber the said Henry
Costin complying with all the Laws now in Force in this
At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Friday
the 27th Day of May, in the seventh Year of his Lordship's
Dominion Annoque Domini 1757:
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Governor.
The honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr Colo Charles Ham-
mond, and Colo Benjamin Tasker.
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the
following Petition —