what Number the Militia is composed, and how armed,
mustred, and trained.
I am Sir.. Your most obedient humble servant
P. S. Your Letter of H.. Fox
Octr 8th has been
New York 23d July 1756.
His Majesty having been graciously pleased to appoint
me, by his Commission under the great seal to be General
and Commander in chief of all his Forces in North America.
I take this first Opportunity to acquaint you of my Arrival
this Morning; As I have been unfortunately so long detained
in my passage I find it indispensably necessary that I go up
immediately to the Army. I must proceed accordingly. I
herewith send your Honour the Letters of Mr Fox his Maj-
esty's Secretary of State, and of the Earl of Halifax his
Majesty's first Lord Commissioner of the Board of Trade.
I do from your Zeal and Attachment to his Majesty's Service,
and from the Loyalty and good Dispositions of your people,
depend upon all Assistance, that the State & Circumstances
of your Province is able to give me.
I will beg your Honour to assure the good People of your
Province, that they may depend upon my protection, and my
utmost Care to avoid and remove (as far as the Circum-
stances of a Country become the Seat of War will admit)
every thing that may any way burthen, or hurt the Interest
of any Individual.
I shall on all Occasions, and in every thing relative to the
Service and Interest of the Colonies communicate with your
Honour, and beg at all times to be favoured from you with
all Matters of Advice and Intelligence relative to the same,
and shall impatiently expect the Returns you are directed to
send. I beg you to be assured, that I am with the highest
Sr Your Honours most obedient and most
humble Servant
The honbte Horatio Sharp Esqr
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Grosvenor Square May 11th 1756.
This Letter will be sent you by the Earl of Loudoun whom
his Majesty has appointed Captain General of his Forces in
North America, a post of so high and important a Nature,
that it might appear a sort of presumption in me to say any
p. 125