150 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761.
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
General Abercrombie (who is to be the next in Command to
him) can set out from hence, the King .has directed Colonel
Webb (who will forward this Letter to you) to embark
immediately for North America, & to take upon him the
Command of the Forces there 'till the Arrival of Lord Lou-
doun, or Major General Abercrombie, you will therefore
correspond with Colonel Webb, and give him all necessary
Lights, and Assistances in the same manner you were di-
rected to do to the late General Braddock.
It having been represented that a considerable Number
of the foreign Settlers in America might be more willing to
enter into the Kings service if they were commanded by
Officers of their own Country, An Act of parliam* has been
passed of which I send you inclosed a printed Copy, enabling
his Majesty to grant Commissions to a certain Number of
German, Swiss and Dutch protestants, who have served as
Officers or Engineers, and as they have already engaged,
they will embark with all Expedition, in order to assist in
raising and commanding such of the foreign protestants in
North America, as shall be able and willing to serve with
the rest of the Forces upon this Occasion; and it is the Kings
pleasure that you should give any of the said Officers who
should come into your Government all the Assistance in your
Power in the Execution of this Service.
It being of the greatest Importance that his Majesty should
in the present situation of Affairs be truly and exactly
informed of the real State of Defence of all his Colonies in
America, as well in relation to the Ordnance and Stores of
War which are in each Colony respectively, as to the Forts
and Fortifications, and the Number of their Inhabitants, It
is the King's pleasure that you should prepare, and trans-
p. 124
mit to the Earl of Loudoun or to the Commander in chief of
his Majesty's Forces for the time being, an exact and par-
ticular Account thereof, with respect to the Colony under
your Government, in which you are to express the present
actual State and Quantity of the Cannon, small Arms, Am-
munition and other Ordnance and military Stores, belonging
to the said Colony, either in the public Magazines, or in the
possession of the Militia, or other private persons together
with the true State of all Places, either already fortified,
or which you judge forthwith necessary to be fortified, with
your opinion at large in what manner his Majesty may
further contribute to the Security and Defence of the said
Colony, and also as exact an Account as you can obtain, of