"Court; and during the Court's Sitting, the said Freemen so
"required to appear, or the major Part of such of them as shall
"then appear, shall and may, and are hereby authorized and
"required to elect and choose Four several and sufficient
"Freemen of your County, each of them having a Free-hold
"of Fifty Acres of Land, or who shall be a Resident, and have
" visible Estate of Forty Pounds Sterling at the least, within
"your County, whether the Parties so elected be present or
"absent, the said Election to be made in such Manner and
"Form as the Laws of England and this Province do direct
"and provide.
"And you are to insert the Names of the said Persons
"elected, in certain Indentures to be then made between you
"the said Sheriff, and the Electors, (That is to say,) Two In-
dentures for each Delegate, each Indenture having thereto
"your Hand and Seal, and the Hands and Seals of the several
"Electors by them subscribed, that the said Deputies and
"Delegates for themselves, and the County aforesaid, may have
"severally full and sufficient Power to do and consent to those
"Things, which then and there, by the Favour of God, shall
"happen to be ordained, by the Advice and Consent of the
"Great Council of this Province, concerning such Occasions
"and Affairs as shall relate to the Government, State and
"Defence thereof. But we will not in any wise that you, or
"any other Sheriff in our said Province be elected. And upon
"such Election, you the said Sheriff, so soon as conveniently
"may be, give Notice to the Parties elected, if absent, and
"certify and transmit to the Governor, or Keeper of the Great
"Seal of this Province, for the Time being one of the Two
"several and respective Indentures, affixed to these Presents,
"close Sealed up, and directed to the Governor, or Keeper of
"the Great Seal of this Province, for the Time being, and the
"other Part of the said Indentures, you are to keep for your
"Justification. Witness, &c"
IV. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid,
by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the afore-
said Four Delegates to be elected in the respective Counties
within this Province, be and are hereby bound and obliged to
attend at the Time and Place of the Meeting of such Assembly
without any further Writ or Summons to be to them sent,
under the Penalty of such Fines as shall be by the Lower
House of Assembly imposed on them, unless upon sufficient
Excuse to be admitted by the Lower House of Assembly,
their Absence be dispensed with; any Law, Usage or Custom
to the contrary notwithstanding.