for the good Rule and Government thereof, and also upon
any necessary and emergent Occasion, to raise and levy
Money for defraying the Charge of the said Government, and
the Defence thereof, neither of which, according to the Con-
stitution of this Province, can be made, ordained, established
or raised, but by and with the Consent of the Freemen of
this Province, by their several Delegates and Representatives
by them freely nominated, chosen and elected to serve for their
several Cities and Counties in a General Assembly,
II. And forasmuch as the safest and best Rule for this
Province to follow, in electing such Delegates and Represent-
atives, is the Precedents of the Proceedings in Parliaments in
Great-Britain, as near as the Constitution of this Province will
admit, the Governor, Upper and Lower Houses of this
present General Assembly, do humbly pray that it may be
III. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of this
present General Assembly, and the Authority of the same,
That for the future, when and as often as his Excellency the
Governor of this Province, for the Time being, shall, upon any
Accident and urgent Affair of this Province, think fit to call
and convene an Assembly, and to send out Writs for electing
of Burgesses and Delegates to serve in such Assembly, such
Writs shall issue forth Forty Days at least, before the Meeting
of such Assembly; the Form of which Writs for Election of
Delegates and Representatives, shall be as followeth,
"Charles, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces
"of Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To
"the Sheriff of County, Greeting. These are to com-
"mand, authorize and impower you, immediately upon Receipt
"hereof, to call together Three or more Justices of your
"County, whereof One to be of the Quorum, with the Clerk
"of the County Court, who are hereby required to sit as a
"Court, and during their Sitting, by virtue of your Office, to
"make, or cause to be made, public Proclamation thereby
"giving Notice to all the Freemen of your said County, who
"have within the said County a Free-hold of Fifty Acres of
"Land, or who shall be Residents, and have a visible Estate
"of Forty Pounds Sterling at the least, thereby requiring them
"to appear at your County Court-House, at a certain Time not
"less than Ten Days after such Proclamation made, for electing
"and choosing Deputies and Delegates to serve for your said
"County in a General Assembly, to be holden at the
" Day of to which Time you shall adjourn your said