or other effects as shall be received on any of the accounts afd
Except for the duty ariseing by the exportation of Tobacco,
being two Shillings and nine pence p hhd and the duty arise-
ing p the Tonnage on Ships being fourteen pence p Tunn
the Sum of ten pounds in the hundred and so prorata for a
greater or lesser Quantity over and above the Sallary so as
afd to be allowed his officers and for receiving and remitting
the said two & nine pence p hhd and fourteen pence p tonn
the sume of one hundred pounds Sterling yearly, And wee
doe hereby revoak annull and make void all former and other
Commissions powers and authoritys touching the premisses
by us or our authoritys to any person or persons heretofore
granted ratifyeing & Confirming all whatsoever has been
lawfully done by the said Charles Carroll by vertue of my
Late Lord Benedicts letter to him as far as in us lyes as also
what after his death he hath lawfully done by vertue of our
letter to him, And this our Commission and the powers hereby
granted to continue in force dureing our pleasure and no
longer. In witnes whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands
and greater Seal of our Said Province Dated at London this
24th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
Seven hundred and fifteen
Int: in officio Secret. Customar Baltemore
Decimo Sexto die Aprilis 1716 [The great] Guilford
John Manly [ Seal ]
Vera Copia John Beale Cl: Prov" Court
On reading which the same is ordered to lye on the Table
to be perused by the members.
The house Adjourned till to morrow 8 a Clock
Saturday morning 21st July 1716
Then the house being called over were present as yesterday
and the preceedings on yesterday were read.
The Report of the Comittee appointed by the Honble Coun-
cil and the house of Delegates to Inspect the Records of the
land Secretarys and Comissarys offices in October Assembly
1713 being read It is ordered the following Message be
prepared (Viz)
By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 21st 1716.
May It please your Exncy and Honrs
The Estates of the Inhabitants of the Province Intirely
depending on the Records of land Secretary Commissary and