ferrys, waifes Strays and deodands of all dutys ariseing from
or growing due upon Exportation of Tobo afd Tonnage of
Ships and all other moneys Tobacco or other effects in any
manner or ways now due or hereafter to grow due whether
by protested Bills of Exchange or other wayes to us within
the said Province, Hereby granting to the said Charles Carroll
full power and authority to sell and Dispose of All lands,
tenements or Hereditaments to us now Escheated or hereafter
to be Escheated or forfeited to such person or persons as
shall agree, and at such reasonable rates in money as shall be
agreed for also to Inspect into, order manadge and account
for all and every other Branch or Branches of our Revenues
in this our said Province whether the same be or grow due by
particular Contract Conditions of Plantations Act or acts of
Assembly or by vertue of our Royaltyes rights Priviledges
and prerogatives within the said Province and for the better
and more effectual execution of the said powers and Authoritys
hereby granted; wee doe further authorize him to Empower
Constitute and appointe under him such and so many officers
and deputies as shall be required and has been usual hereto-
fore in like cases. Hereby Ordaining and requireing him
the said Charles Carroll to remitt unto us for our proper use
by the first and Safest opportunitys and Conveniencys all such
moneys Effects and bills of Exchange as shall arise grow due
and be received by him and his Deputies or under officers, on
all or any of the Branches of our Revenues and upon receipt
of any money Bills of exchange or other effects Sufficient
discharges and acquittances to give and Signe to the person
or persons concerned or owing Such money effects and bills
of exchange, and generally to act doe and perform fullfill and
accomplish all and every act and acts thing and things
requisite and necessary for the due execution performance
and Justly dischargeing the Several and respective offices
powers and authoritys hereby given and granted him & wee
doe hereby ratifie confirm and hold for good Effectual and
valid whatsoever the said Charles Carroll shall lawfully doe
or cause to be done in the premisses notwithstanding any
Insufficiency or Defects in the words Expressions clauses
Sentences of this our Cofnission and altho every particular
matter Strictly requisite be not therein particularly mentioned
and expressed, and wee doe further for a Compensation
Sallary & Encuragement to the said Charles Carroll for the
punctual Sincere & faithful performance of the powers and
authoritys hereby granted him, and in Consideration of the
pains Labour and trouble he shall take in the due Execution
thereof authorise Direct and Empower him to take receive
and retain to & for his own use out of all such moneys Tobo
L. H. J.