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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 450   View pdf image
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450 Assembly Proceedings, July 17- Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J,

Sallary of 5 p Cent as is allowed them upon other Imposts to
the Country's Use & no more
We recommend a Clause to oblige the County Clerks
yearly to return to the Proprietarys Agent an Account of all
Alienations in their Several Countys ex officio & under
We further communicate to your House, part of a Letter
from the Rt Honble the Lord Guilford & the Lord Proprietary
dated in April last Viz.
You must likewise take special Care that a Clause be put
into the new intended Law obliging our Several Tenants to
pay their Tobo Rents & Alienation Fines in that County they
hold their Lands in And that our said Tobo Rents have the
preference to all other Debts and be upon Execution
We find Several people alarmed at the Clause in the late
Law about our Revenue relating to the security the several
Masters are to find against cropping or otherwise damaging

p. 272

the Tobo in their Voyage homewards And they say It will be
impossible for several of the sd Masters to find the security
you will be pleased to talk with Mr Bordly & Mr Carrol on
this Head & make it as unexceptionable as may be
In the said late Law where masters of Vessels are obliged
to satisfy the Dutys and Impositions before the Departure of
his or their Vessels There is nothing which gives them power
to collect from the Ships or owners of the Tobacco their pro-
portion which some here likewise think it ought to be in the
new intended Law. We also send you Mr Carrolls Remarks
on this Bill
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

And sent with the Bill to the Lower House by Lt Col
Young Col Addison & Lt Col Tilghman

Col Hoskins & Capt Codd brought up a Supplementary
Bill to the Act for killing Wolves Crows & Squirrels.
The which being read twice by especial Order & Endorsed
will Pass & sent to the Lower House by Col Whittington
Resolved the following Message be sent to the Lower
House Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 6th 1716.
On Consideration of your Message on Saturday last by
Mr Wm Young & Capt Frisby we are willing to shew our due
regard to his Lordship's private Interest And therefore tho'

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 450   View pdf image
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