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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 449   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 449


Monday August the 6th 1716

The Upper House Sate

U. H. J.

Col Wm Coursey Col Wm Whittington
The Honble Lt Col. Saml Young Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Col Thos Addison Lt Col Rd Tilghman


Upon reading and Consideration of the Bill for ascertaining
the Gauge of Tobo hhds & laying impositions on Tobo &c.
Resolved that the following Amendments be proposed to
the House

First that It be added to the Title of the Law by ascertaining
the manner of paying his Lordships Alienation Fines & Quit
rents for the term therein proposed. That in the second
Folio the word (disuse) be said instead of Contempt. That a
larger penalty be put on the Justice or other Officer refusing
to view & examine any Tobo hhds

That in folio 3d the Coroner be named with other Officers
in the Enacting part.

That where my Lord Baltimore is mentioned It should be
said the Rt Honble the Lord Propry or the Rt Honble Charles
Lord Baron of Baltimore

That the 12d p hhd to the Governour be received by the
proper Officer by him to be appointed

That the last Clause of the Law intended to disburthen the
several Branches of the Revenue intended to be raised by
this Act from bearing any more charges than their Separate
Proportions of the Sallarys for collecting be in these Words

And Be It further Enacted & declared by the Authority afd
by & with the Advice & Consent afd that the publick Revenue
of this province shall not be burthened or charged with any
Sallary or Sallarys for the collecting all or any of the Dutys or
Imposts herein before mentioned to be raised save only the
Duty of 3d p hhd on tobo exported by this Act appropriated
for the purchasing Arms & Ammunition for the defence of

p. 270

this province which shall and is hereby intended to be received
by the several Naval Officers of the respective Ports where
the same shall arise for which receiving they shall be allowed
after the Rate of 8 p Cent & be & hereby are obliged to
account with the publick Treasurer of this Province who shall
render an Account thereof to the General Assembly when
thereto required And which Treasurers for receiving account-
ing for and paying the sd Duty as may be directed according

to the Intentions of this Act shall have & receive the usual

p. 271

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 449   View pdf image
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