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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 410   View pdf image
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410 Assembly Proceedings, July 17 -Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

And thereupon Ordered that the sd Sherriff appear to mor-
row morning before this Board & give his Excellency & this
House Satisfaction therein how the sd Fitz Redmond & Coyle
were discharged & paid their Fines
Col Hoskins & three more brought up from the Lower
House of Assembly the following message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 26th 1716

May It please your Honours
As further Reasons than what we have heretofore offered
for passing the Supplementary Bill proposed we beg your
Honours will consider that the End of the Act for the Speedy
Recovery of Small Debts in the County Courts will be Eluded
& merchants & Traders hundred from recovering their Debts
the first Court according to the Design of the sd Act if Re-
movalls by habeas Corpus be not prevented Which will not
only very much discourage Trade but be a means to im-
poverish the Inhabitants And if such Suits be removed the

p. 210

Defendant will have a great opportunity to demur to the
Plaintiffs Declaration which through the General Unskilfull-
ness of the County Court Attorneys are for the most part
faulty And if the Removals be Restrained & the Cause tryed
in the County Court those faults are in a great measure aided
by Several Statutes after Tryall & therefore hope you will
agree to this Bill that a Remedy may be provided for the
Plaintiff Equal to what is provided for the Defendt
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo ho.

The petition of divers the Inhabitants of Baltimore County
praying that the South side of Potapsco may be annexed to
Ann Arundel County Being read in this House It is thought
reasonable & recommended by this House to the Lower
House to admitt a Bill to be brought in for annexing that
part of Baltimore County now on the South side of Potapsco
to Ann Arundel County as prayed And being so Endorsed
was sent to the House by the Honble Thos Brook Esqr
The Board Adjourned till nine of the Clock to morrow

Friday July 27th 1716
The Board Sate Present as Yesterday
The Honble Col Edward Lloyd has leave to be two days
Absent in order to prepare his Answer to the Complaint of
the Lower House & inform his Council of his Case. His

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 410   View pdf image
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