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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 409   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 409


has any Colour of being General or any Wise foreseeing any
greater hardships to the Plaintiffs here than what his Majesty's
Subjects of England lye under being obliged to follow their
Causes to the Superiour Courts Provided such Habeas Corpus
be duly obtained (that is to say) the previous Requisites per-
formed in order for the Attainmt thereof Viz — good security
to abide the Superiour Courts Judgmt & a Judges Allowance
on the Back of the Writt And likewise that It be offered before
the issue joined or one Juror sworn in the Lower Court & not
for a less sum than limitted So that What you offer We con-

U. H. J.

ceive has no weight in Ballance with the other Genl Aggriev-
ance of many people being brought to the provincial Court
where they have not their neighbours or Friends to bail them
to their great expence & Impoverishmt
But if It should be granted because the Legislature has
thought fit to Enact the other for the Defendants' Advantage
& at their prayer Yet we think It will still be invading the
Subject's Birth Right to deny the Defendants the Benefit of
the Laws (to favour the Plaintiffs) especially when It is con-
sidered that It may often happen that the Plaintiff's Interest
in the County may be far more prevalent than the Defend-
ants so that he cannot reasonably expect an impartial Tryal
there. And It is further observed that since the people have
desired to be sued in their own Countys It is not likely they
will remove the Suits unless there be especial Cause which
we cannot see any Reason to debar them of
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

The Board adjourned for two Hours

Post Meridiem
The Upper House Sate Present as in the morning
It being offered by his Excellency the Governour in this
House that whereas William Fitz Redmond & Edward Coyle
of this City were lately by a special Court of Oyer & Ter-
miner & Goal Delivery held for Ann Arundel County & the
City of Annapolis fined one hundd pds Currt money of this
Province & committed to the Custody of the Sherriff of Ann
Arundel County until such time as they should pay their re-
spective fines Viz

p. 208

William Fitz Redmond Sixty pounds & Edwd Coyle forty
pounds Currt mony of this Province to the said Sheriff for his
Lordship's use
It is now enquired how the said Wm Fitz Redmond &
Coyle came to be discharged And whither the sd Sherriff re-
ceived the afd Fines in money Currt according to the Judgemt
of the Court

p. 209

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 409   View pdf image
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