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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 381   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 381


shall not be wanting in our Endeavours to take such expedi-
tious Methods in making such Alterations as may be grateful
to his Lordship & your Excellency
The laying before his Lordship the State of our Rents and
the recommending to our Consideration the Circumstances of
the poor, again Evince how much our Welfare has been your
We shall diligently apply ourselves to consider of the Act
proposed and hope our Conclusions will be so agreeable to

U. H. J.

Reason & Justice that they will not fail of his Lordship's &
your Excellency's Approbation
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.

Advised & Resolved that the Clerk of this Board write to
Mr Charles Carrol & acquaint him that some Affairs relating
to his Lordships Interest and Service being now under Con-
sideration of the Board He is on that Occasion desired to
attend his Excellency the Governour in Council at four of the
Clock in the Afternoon
His Excellency recommends a Congratulatory address to
his Lordship to be made by the Council & Delegates on his
Also Resolved that an humble & Loyal Address be made
to his Majesty
The Board adjourned till four of the Clock in the Afternoon

Post Meridiem

The Council Sate Present as in the morning with the Addi-
tion of the honble Colonel William Whittington
Capt Mariartee Mr Brannock & Mr Dashield brought up
the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 19th 1716

May It please your Excellency and Honours
Being assured that your Excellency & Honours are de-
sirous to dispatch the Business of this Sessions with all the
Expedition possible And that we may in no wise be wanting

p. 164

in our Duty in so advantageous a purpose for the publick
Good we propose to meet every day during the Continuance
of this Session at Eight of the Clock & continue Sitting till
Eleven in the forenoon & meet at One in the Afternoon
& continue sitting till five, And pray your Excellency & Hon-
ours to signify how convenient the time we propose may be
to your honble House
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.

p. 165

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 381   View pdf image
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