Mr Bordley and Eleven more of the Delegates brought up
By the Lower House of Assembly
To His Excellcy John Hart Esqr Governour of Maryland
May It please your Excellency
By what your Excellency was pleased to say at the opening
of this Session We perceive those Reports are not further to
be regarded which at our last meeting induced us to address
your Excellency for a prorogation to prevent what we then
feared would have proved a fruitless Charge & Trouble.
And Since your Excellency has not received any Instructions
to the Contrary of what you were then pleased to recom-
mend, we shall proceed to the Consideration & dispatch
thereof in the best manner we are able. We heartily con-
gratulate his Lordship on his Restoration to his Government
& acknowledge his Majesty's Bounty in approving your Ex-
cellency to be our Governour, a Choice (which were It in our
own power) we ourselves should make
The great Goodness of his Majesty (so well known to all
that know him) The assurance your Excellency has given us
of his Lordship's the Lord Guilfords Resolutions to promote
the Welfare of this Province, the Character of our Lord
Proprietor, And the Experience of yourself give us Reason
to hope we shall not now be a less happy people than we
were when under the immediate Government of that Majesty
who is indeed our Faith's Defender