quently those that are not the best able to bear this burden
that will by this means reap the benefit of My Lord Proprie-
tary's favour and Generosity — I hope it will be Considered
that a Particular ought always to give way to the Publick good
It is therefore of these wealthy Gentlemen that I now address
myselfe to. Pray Remember the Poor
Jno Hart.
Lt Coll Richard Tilghman and Coll Thomas Smith from the
upper house deliver Mr Speaker the paper Referred to in his
Excellcys Speech which is ordered to be Entred as follows
A Coppy of the Clause menconed in his Excellcys
Speech and Inclosed from his Lordship
to his Excellency
And forasmuch by the Enlargement of the Tobacco hhds
from the Gage of thirty Inches in the Diameter of the head to
this prsent Gage, a Larger quantity of Tobacco will be Ex-
ported in each hhd whereby the duty and Imposition on
Tobacco by the hhd will be Evidently retrenched and lessened
unless a Just regard be had to the preservation of them in
their usuall worth and value which this present Generall