there is a promising aspect his Lordship will prove a Growing
blessing to Maryland.
As to my part when I was honoured with a more Immediate
Comission under the Crowne I made it my Carefull study to
preserve and Improve the true Interest of this Province both
before and Since my arrivall here, and whilst I am soe happy
to remain in this Station shall faithfully pursue to Continue
that good End, and Solemnly promise you that I will act in my
Sphere (as far as my power Extends) Impartially between the
Lord Proprietary and this People, and as it is not Expected
on his Lordship's part (which is far from my Inclination) that
I should pay my Court to him att your Expence soe on the
other Side, for gaining of Popular applause or any other motive
whatever will I betray that great Trust of Government reposed
in me — And Soe long as the Laws are my rule and Guide to
Govern and my Conscience the Judge of Equity and the
Publick both by their Duty and Interest will Support me in my
Gentlemen of the Lower House — You will readily observe
the necessity of having your Laws run in the Stile of the
Lord Proprietary as they formerly did when the Govern-
ment was Administred by his noble Ancestors — the manner
and Method of doeing this by the most easy and Effectuall
means is recomended to your Consideration — always with
regard to make the Charge as light as possible to the people
for I am soe Sensible of the Burden of Long and frequent
Assembly's that I am willing to Ease them on my part as to
the Charge of the Scales on this occasion
The Experience I have gained Since I have resided amongst
you has taught me how difficult nay almost Impossible it is for
you to Comply with your Rents in money Sterling according
to the Tenure of your Grants from the Lord Propriary — from
the sense of these hardships you were likely to labour under
I have in order to your Reliefe laid the Case before his Lord-
ship's Guardian and himselfe, and their Lordships out of their
Tender Consideracon of your Circumstances have Instructed
me to pass an Act (which I may well terme in your favour) if
for your whole Rents a Condescention I have never heard was
made you before this time
The methods which their Lordships have prescribed me
being too Copious to be menconed here, I shall send downe
to your house for your perusall.
I am not Ignorant It is the Interest of some particular
wealthy Gents to pay their Rents in money. The Lord Pro-
prietary would be well pleased the Interest was Generall in
this Province as it is much the Greater number and Conse-
Lib. R. U.