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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 267   View pdf image
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Acts. 267


of Sher. Getting Security for Ascertaining the forme whereof
for the future,
Be itt Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd
that all sher bonds hereafter to be taken throughout this

C. P.

Province shall be made in Manner and forme following (That
is to say)

Maryland ss.
Know all men by these prsents that wee A. B. of County
in the province afa are holden and firmly bound unto our
Sovereigne Lord King George &c in the full sume and Just
Quantity of two hundd thousand pound of good sound Mer-
chantable Leafe Tobo and Cask to be paid to his said Majesty
his heirs and successors to the which payment well and truly
to be made wee bind our selves and Every of us our and
Every of our heirs Executors and Administrators Joyntly and
Severally for the whole and in the whole firmly by these pres-
ents Sealed with our Scale and dated the day of in
the year of his Majesties Reigne Annoq Dom 171 The
Condition of the above Obligation is such that if the Above
bounden A. B. Doe well and truely serve his Sacred Majesty
his heirs and Successors in the Office of high Sherriffe of
the County of within the province afd and in all things
well and faithfully Execute the same office and alsoe shall
render unto his said Majesty and Other his Officers a
true faithfull and perfect Account of all and Singular his
said Majesties rights and dues And to his Officers a true
and Just Account of their ffees that he shall or may be
Intrusted with his Majesties Governour and other his Officers
within this province to receive And Collect and his Account
to his said Majesty his heirs and Successors and to his and

p. 90

their Governour here for the time being for the fines and
fforfeitures and other dues belonging to his said Majestys
Governour as also his Account of all ffees Dues and sumes
of Money or Tobo due to any the Good People within this
Province for any Sume or Sumes of money or Tobo where-
with the said sherriffe shall be Intrusted dureing the time of
his Sheriffalty for this Present or to such of them as shall
require the same shall pass and render by the tenth day of
May next Ensueing the date hereof and in all other things as
Sherriffe of the County of shall behave himselfe well and
honestly to all persons According to the best of his power
skill and knowledge then this obligation to be Void and of
noe Effect or Else to stand in full force Strength and Virtue.

Which said bond taken in forme afd if by the County Court
the Comrs thereof shall yearly Transmitt the same into the

p. 91

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 267   View pdf image
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