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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 266   View pdf image
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266 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- June 3, 1715.

C. P.

of four thousand pounds of Tobo the one halfe thereof to his
Majesty his heirs and Successors for the Support of Govern-
ment the other halfe to the party Grieved to be recover'd in

p. 88

any Court of Record of this Province by Action of Debt bill
plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne Protection or wager
of Law to be Allowed. And to the end that Publick Credittors
may be Speedily Satisfyed their Debts due from the Publick,
Be itt Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd
that Every Publick Credittor within this Province shall be Att
his Election to make Application to the Governour of this
Province for the time being to putt such Sher' bond or bonds
in suit or Otherwise may Immediately have an Action of Debt
against such sherriffe in Any Court of Record within this
Province for such Publick Tobo as shall be due to such

And to the end that no Officer or other person may be sur-
prized or Unjustly Molested Either upon the Account of pay-
ment or Collection of Publick dues,
Be itt likewise Enacted by the Authority afd by and with
the Advice and Consent afa that any person or persons having
publick Tobo due to them or ffees in any Sher hands to Col-
lect and that doe not signifie to such Sherriffe or Sherriffes
their Dependence & resolution of makeing use of the same
on or before the twenty fifth day of December in the year the
same shall be due to him or them shall not have take or

p. 89

demand any benefit! or Advantage by this Act Allowed for
that present year and soe Every year successively nor shall
the Sher. of any respective County levy by way of Execution
any publick dues or Officers ffees upon the body goods or
Chattells of any the Inhabitants of this province Except they
have made a Demand thereof att or before the twentyeth day
of ffebry for that present year and soe Every year successively.
And be itt alsoe Enacted by the Authority Advice and Con-
sent afd that any Sherriffe within this Province having in his
hands publick Officers ffees to Collect shall not presume to
Levy by Execution upon the body goods and Chattells of any
the Inhabitants of this province any ffees to him Committed
to Collect where the person or persons from whome such ffees
appear to be due produce the former Sher. Receipt or Other-
wise make appear the same to be paid under the fforfeiture
and penalty of treble the sume Executed to the party or
parties grieved to be recovered with Cost in Any Court of
Record within this Province by bill Plaint or Information
wherein no Essoyne protection or wager of Law to be Allowed.
And forasmuch as Sherriffs, bonds have been of Late years
usually taken in the County Courts for the better Conveniency

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 266   View pdf image
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