with the Advice and Consent of his Majtys Governt Councill
and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same
that there shall not be Allowed to any person or persons what-
soever having Just Cause to Implead any pson or psons
whatsoever Living or resideing within this province upon any
bill of Exchange Drawn for Any sume or sumes of money
whatsoever payable in England or Elsewhere and brought in
here protested more then the sume of Twenty pounds p Cent
Damages over and Above the Debt sued for and recovered
togeather with Ordinary Costs of Suite any Law Statute or
Custome Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding. And,
Be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that if any
person or persons draw any bills of Exchange upon any per-
son or persons or Society or Company in England or Else-
where out of this province and the same be protested and the
protested bills be returned into this province within four years
after the date of such bills that then the debt or Damage
occasioned by the non Acceptance or non payment of such
bills shall be Accounted a Debt of Equall Nature with any
Specialty and in payment of Debts by Exrs or Administrators
be preferred before any Other Debt which is not under hand
and scale such Executor or Admrs having timely notice of such
protested bills of Exchange Any Usage or Custome to the