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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 242   View pdf image
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242 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.

C. P.

mentioned togeather with such Additionall Costs as shall be
Expended in such Court where such Execution shall be
Awarded without sueing out any writt of Scire facias

And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd by and
with the Advice and Consent afd that no person being in the

p. 39

Commission of the peace no Sher. or Deputy Sherriffe Clerk
or Deputy Clerke of those Courts wherein they bear Office
shall plead as Attorney for or in behalfe of any person or
persons on penalty of fforfeiting three thousand pounds of
Tobo for Every such Offence whereof such Offender shall be
found Guilty one halfe thereof to his Majty his heirs and Suc-
cessors for the Support of the Government of this Province
the Other halfe to the Informer or him or them that shall sue
for the same to be recovered in Any Court within this province
by bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne protection
or Wager of Law to be Allowed.

And for the Discouragement of Litigious suits that fre-
quently Arise in the Provinciall and County Courts within
this province,

Be itt Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent aft
that all psons whatsoever Except Executors and Adminis-
trators that are Cast in any Cause be they Plaintiffe or De-
fendt shall be Amerced besides the Damages and Costs in the
provinciall Court fifty pounds of Tobo to be Employed as the
Governor and Councill shall think fitt and in the County
Court thirty pounds of Tobo to be Employed and Disposed of
towards Defraying the County Charge of Each respective
County And for the Due Collection Thereof

p. 40

Be itt Enacted by the Authority afd that the Clerk of
the Provinciall Court and the Clerks of the sevll County
Courts keep an Exact Account of the Amerciamts And Deliver
or send the same to the Sevll sher. of the Particular Counties
who are hereby required to Collect the same with the Levy
And are Accordingly Impowered for Default of Paymt to
make distress and Comanded not to returne any in Arrears,
Except in Case of the Debtors Insufficiency

And be itt further Enacted that the Clerks of the severall
County Courts give unto the Chiefe Justice of such County
Court a List of the Amerciaments every November Court
that shall have arisen each preceeding year And that the
Clerk of the Provinciall Court lay a list of the Provinciall
Amerciaments as they shall yearly arise before the Governt
and Councill of this Province for the time being.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 242   View pdf image
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