Maryland ss.
Att a Session of Assembly begun and held at the Citty of
Annapolis the twenty sixth day of Ap" in the first year of the
Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George by the Grace of God
of Great Brittaine ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the
faith &c Annoq Dom. 1715, His Excellency John Hart Esqr
being Governour The following Laws were Enacted.
A most Joyfull and Just Recognition of the Immediate Law-
full and Undoubted Succession and right of the Crown of
Great Brittaine and of the Kingdom's and Dominions
thereunto belonging.
To the Kings most Excellt Majty,
Wee your Majtys most Humble and Loyall Subjects of this
your Province of Maryland your Majtys Governor Councill and
the Delegates of the Sevll Countys and Cityzens in this present
Genll Assembly now Convened Acknowledging with a most
thankfull and Joyfull sence the Inestimable Blessing Almighty
God has Vouchsafed to your Majtys Kingdome of Great Brittaine