sincerity say I have Endeavoured to make as light as I could.
Your Hearty Efforts that Way will not only Convince the
Country how careful you are of their Interest but also afford
you an opportunity of returning in a few days to your respec-
tive Habitations
Gentlem. I am not unsensible some have a notion I may
assent to any Laws that may be proposed. And It is there-
fore I am obliged to aquaint you Her Matys royal Instructions
have restained me from passing any Acts in the Absence of
a Governor in chief but what are immediately neccessary for
the Preservation of the Peace and Welfare of the Province
without her Majesty's particular Order for that purpose. Which
being premised I am perswaded you will acquiesce in her
Majesty's Commands and not expect me to act contrary to
what I am so strictly charged with
Mr Daniel Mariartee and Mr James Lloyd from the House
of Delegates came and presented Mr Richd Dallam their Clerk
to be sworn as such and the sd Mr Dallam being approved of
by the Honble Presidt was accordingly sworn and took the
Oaths to the Government as well as that of Clerk to the
House of Delegates
The honble Presidt was pleased to communicate her Majes-
ty's Proclamation for the suspension of arms agreed on with
the most Christian King & sent the same to the House of
Delegates by Col Addison and Col Tilghman with several
Gazetts & votes of the House of Commons in Great Brittain
and wrote to them as followeth Viz.