by your Excellency. We hope that in these and in all other
particulars, we shall sincerely Endeavour to perform our
Duty to God & take due Care to acquitt our selves as dutiful
and Loyal Subjects to our Sovereign and a grateful people
to your Excellency & faithful Servants to our Country
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.
Mr James Macall & five others brought up the following
Message Viz.
By the House of Delegates
October the 7th 1714
May it please your Excellency
Your Excellcy on the humble Address of this House of the
second of July 1714 praying directions to be given her
Majesty's Receivers to lay their Accompts of the 3d p Hhd
applyed by her Majesty for purchasing Arms & Ammunition
for the defence of this province, before this House this Ses-
sion; was pleased to return in Answer thereto That directions
were given the said Receivers accordingly, But the same not
being as yet done we pray your Excellency's further directions
about the same And that an Account of the Fines & Forfeit-
ures received by the said Receivers be likewise laid before
this House this Sessions
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.